Best Reptile To Make Money Breeding in 2024

ball python

Everyone wants to know the golden question, how can I make money doing something I love? Such as working with animals.

If you love animals and you have experience with Snakes, you might be missing out on a golden opportunity.

During covid 19, everyone was stuck at home receiving insane money from the government.

This boosted a lot of unconventional ways of making money into the forefront, and one of those markets happened to be in Ball Pythons.

There was a huge boom during covid, and an insane sellers market of WILD money being made.

The Best & Most Affordable Ball Python Ultrasound In 2024

After a few years, as all markets do, it pulled back (which is where we’re at today.)

Everything in my opinion is wildly underpriced and it is the perfect time to invest. (Buying stocks at the bottom, if you will)

Get in while you can for the next boom!

make money

Check out the price tags on some of these, $30,000!

Ball Pythons lay eggs, and on average they produce 6 eggs per clutch. They can be bred once a year, so lets do some math…

If you have 20 breeders females with 5 good males, you can produce (20*6=120) One hundred and twenty hatchlings.

If they are worth $300 on average (which is low), you just made $36,000

You are already making more than most people do working full time at McDonalds, and you aren’t doing anything but having fun with snakes at home.

There are obviously a lot more variables at play but if you can scale this business you could be making some serious money, and if you have the money to buy the super expensive ones, you need WAY LESS breeder females.

You can produce all of your clutches and go over to and become a seller.

I highly recommend using their platform to sell, and it will make everything 100x easier on you.

Brand yourself, only buy great looking animals, and focus on your females first. After you grow up the females for around a year you can start worrying about what males to get.

Make sure to learn genetics, if you want to know more please check out around the website. We will have a whole section based on Ball Python breeding.

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